Wednesday, 11 October 2017


The old army expanded by another 12 elements:

The lot:

Hive Tyrant: Hero General
Brood Lord: Hero
Zoanthrope: Magician
Carnifex: Behemoth
Genestealers: Warbands.
Hormagaunts: Blades.
Termagants: Shooters.
Gargoyles: Fliers.
Ripper Swarms: Beasts
Brood Nest: Stronghold.

Thinking of putting together a simplified version of the original Warhammer 40K rules for the 40K armies as an alternative to HOTT.  As the different factions have different characteristics which are lost in HOTT, it may be interesting to se how modified rules will play out.  I've never played the Warhammer game itself so have no real comparator.  Another task for the winter evenings.

Thursday, 24 August 2017


Sir Reynard Ffockes' Company (Doubles as a free company with suitable absences for true medieval gaming)..

Sir Reynard:






As these are the only larger scale ancients I possess and am ever likely to possess, they have been transferred to the HOTT list out of DBA.
The army, 1x Spear General, 11xSpear; 24AP.
Figures are 25mm Warrior. Had to double-base them in an attempt to protect the spears. This will make gaming interesting, all group moves and they get +1.


These have been on the shelf for years; started with a box of the 1/72 plastic Caesar Mycenaeans which got put to one side as Caesar announced they were producing chariots as well.  Some years later the chariots had not appeared but Newline Designs announced the release of theirs, naturally I got some - yup a couple of weeks later Caesar released theirs! They all got put to the side again, by this time I'd got the Trojans as well.  Some time passed and I read an article in one of the hobby magazines about a Trojan War game using Hordes of the Things (HOTT) rules with the addition of Divine Intervention. Inspired again I did nothing about it until a recent lull in normal proceedings when I decided to get half of the forces done.  The Newlines are especially good as they wear the boar's' tusk helmets so typical of the era.

The whole army:
Agamemnon King of Mycenae (Knight General  2AP)
Nestor King of Pylos: (Knight 2AP
Menelaus King of Sparta: (Knight 2AP)
Achilles, greatest of the Greek warriors and leader of the Myrmidons: (Hero 4AP)
Mycenaeans: (2 Spears 2x2 AP, 2 Warband 2x2 AP; 8AP)
Spartans: (Spears 2 AP)
Myrmidons: 2x Shooters 2x2 AP; 4 AP)

A total of 24 points for the army.


1/72 Caesar plastic figures:

Aeneas (Knight General); Hector (Hero), 2xKnights.
The whole lot: