Wednesday, 11 October 2017


The old army expanded by another 12 elements:

The lot:

Hive Tyrant: Hero General
Brood Lord: Hero
Zoanthrope: Magician
Carnifex: Behemoth
Genestealers: Warbands.
Hormagaunts: Blades.
Termagants: Shooters.
Gargoyles: Fliers.
Ripper Swarms: Beasts
Brood Nest: Stronghold.

Thinking of putting together a simplified version of the original Warhammer 40K rules for the 40K armies as an alternative to HOTT.  As the different factions have different characteristics which are lost in HOTT, it may be interesting to se how modified rules will play out.  I've never played the Warhammer game itself so have no real comparator.  Another task for the winter evenings.