Warband General (chief of Clan MacSwik), piper is a Rackham dwarf;
Wabsters (old Scots name for a weaver) 3xRiders;
3xKnights (The Collie Lancers);
3x Warband (Lock up your sheep);
Chief of Clan MacBoak Aerial Hero;
Heid Banger Artillery;
Heid Banger Flinger;
Mis-represented these as fliers, whereas they are actually projectiles of the misguided missile variety.
Crummock Wheecher Artillery:
Lurker (‘Cleik 'em in’);
Holy Wullie Cleric;
McChancer the Magician;Wee arra peepul 3xShooters;
Bluitert Chiels 3xHordes, Caesar miniatures 1/72 goblins;
3xBeasts (feral haggis herd with haggis bashers and purple Angus the prize bull);
Nessie, 1xDragon by PAPO from local toy store;