Wednesday, 14 November 2018


More elements added using left over figures from first time around:
2xClan Rat Hordes;
2xJezzail Shooters;
Gutter Runner Warband;

Bit of a disaster with these; after spending ages on them, matt sprayed them on a humid day and lo and behold, cloudy varnish! As the paint job is protected by a coating of Johnson’s ‘Klear’ it wasn’t a reaction with the paint or wash used. "Oh bother" I said. Thought 24 hours in a warm airing cupboard might do some good. Nope, didn’t. Absolutely unwilling to repaint them, did a touch up as far as I could. After all they are rats, so wouldn't be pristine, would they?
The army arrayed.
Throt the Unclean (blade general) with Ratangian Guard (blades) guarding the stronghold.
Lord Skrolk (Hero)
The Grey Seer (Magician).
Rat Ogres (beasts).
Warp fire thrower (artillery),
Jezzails (shooters).
Gutter runners (warband).
Clan rats (hordes).
Doom Wheel (behemoth) large and heavy on a 60x120mm base.